HD Capital Partners – UWC’s Investment Manager

About HD Capital Partners

HD Capital Partners is a boutique funds management firm based in Sydney, founded by Harley Grosser and Daniel Sims. The firm applies a value-oriented, bottom-up approach to investments, primarily in Australian listed small cap equities, as well as privately owned Australian companies and international equities. HD is the result of the combination of boutique funds management firms Capital H Management and Whiley Close Investment Group, both of which have long and successful track records of outperformance.


Harley has 10+ years of experience in financial markets, specialising in small caps, having previously worked at PIE Funds in New Zealand and Bligh Capital in Sydney, before founding Capital H Management in 2018. Harley holds a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of New South Wales.

Daniel is an experienced financier, having worked as a Portfolio Manager at large investment firms and Family Offices in Australia, New Zealand and Germany. His focus has predominantly been on smaller companies in the public and private markets – from initial due diligence through to acquisition, growth strategy and exit. Daniel holds a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Newcastle.